Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

The world has ended

There is a guy in Florida, United States claiming to be Jesus. If you know your Bible well in Revelations something is mentioned about the coming of Christ as the end of days. So if this guy is saying he Jesus so the world must be finished. Well I don't believe he is Jesus. Oil is still pumping in the Gulf, States is still a super power, Mugabe still hates Walter and Tony, the Janjaweed are still ruling Dafur so please please spare us with that blasphemy.

But one thing I think is rather true is that the world is finished. We are basically scavenging the cacus of life which is basic virtual reality were robots can play football, cars drive themselves, fridges can shop for you and morality is a fossil some where on the earths crust. You might be asking yourself now whether you have heard this before. Of course you have. You see it on T.V everyday were people get richer by showing more flesh in front on a million viewers, you read it in newspapers that every six minutes a woman is raped in South Africa if not slaughtered by some ignorant male who thinks hIS penile member is a projectile meant to knock whatever idiotic sense into poor females.

The world is gone, but as human beings our nature is to deny, deny and deny. I have lived in a society were if the wife is not feeling active enough to do her matrimonial God given conjugal rights she sends the house maid to do that for her. Imagine the shock on the poor girls face after working for two weeks she is told get into the bedroom papa needs a sexual fix I'm tired today. What if the girl is married and has a loving husband at home and kids, ok lets say what if she has Aids, what then happens to the family? Don't you even think about saying they use protection that's enough manure a bull can give you.

What more can I say.. Oh I know remember the Mugabe hates Walter and Tony I mentioned earlier it makes sense its politics you talk dirt about my people and my country I have the right to hate you kind of thing but check this out. What about a brother born off the same mother with his younger brother but hates him so much he would let him starve to death. I think because the world has virtually ended people don't see evil right in their face, because its comes in smaller portion like racism, tribalism, segregation, favouratism and so on. But all these things have one common mother, Evil. And when Evil (with a capital letter "E") rules good is gone, the world is gone. Thats it.